
Saving on Food Costs: Meal Planning and Food Budgeting Tips
Posted on Jul 15th, 2019

Jump ahead: How Much Does Food Cost? How to Eat Healthily on a Low Budget How to Save Money on Food: Planning Your Grocery Trips

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13 Affordable Date Night Ideas in Pennsylvania
Posted on Jun 14th, 2019

Once you’ve found a partner to settle down with, date night becomes a thing of the past, right? Not so fast. Having a regular date

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17 Simple Home DIY Projects That Will Save You Money
Posted on Apr 19th, 2019

Is it better to DIY a project or to hire someone to do it for you? This is a question homeowners often find themselves asking

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How to Plan and Stick to a Wedding Budget
Posted on Mar 14th, 2019

Recently engaged? Congratulations! Now comes the fun part of planning your wedding and getting ready to begin your new life together with your partner. There

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13 Things to Consider When Refinancing Your Mortgage
Posted on Dec 18th, 2018

Refinancing your mortgage can be a way to lower your monthly payments and save money over the life of your home loan. However, refinancing a

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